Database ORM
ShipAny uses Supabase as the default database dependency. You can refer to the Database chapter to configure database connections.
If you need to use other databases like PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQLite, you can follow this chapter to configure ORM connections.
New Project Initialization
ShipAny provides code supporting drizzle ORM in the drizzle
branch. When developing a new project, you can choose to initialize the project using this branch.
This branch does not support edge-runtime and cannot be deployed to Cloudflare Pages. It’s suitable for deployment to Vercel or self-hosted servers.
This branch has significant code changes. For existing projects, it’s not recommended to sync with this branch for upgrades.
- Clone the code
git clone -b drizzle [email protected]:shipanyai/shipany-template-one.git my-shipany-project
- Create configuration file
cp .env.example .env.development
- Configure database connection
ShipAny supports SQLite / MySQL / PostgreSQL databases by default. Fill in the connection information for your chosen database.
SQLITE_URL = "file:data/shipany.db"
MYSQL_URL = "mysql://aigc:[email protected]:3306/shipany"
POSTGRES_URL = "postgresql://aigc:[email protected]:5432/shipany"
Using PostgreSQL
If you’re using PostgreSQL or PostgreSQL-compatible databases like Supabase / Neon, follow these steps to configure ORM connection.
- Define data structure
You can modify the default data structure definition as needed:
import {
} from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";
export const users = pgTable(
id: integer().primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
uuid: varchar({ length: 255 }).unique().notNull(),
email: varchar({ length: 255 }).notNull(),
created_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
nickname: varchar({ length: 255 }),
avatar_url: varchar({ length: 255 }),
locale: varchar({ length: 50 }),
signin_type: varchar({ length: 50 }),
signin_ip: varchar({ length: 255 }),
signin_provider: varchar({ length: 50 }),
signin_openid: varchar({ length: 255 }),
(table) => [
export const orders = pgTable("orders", {
id: integer().primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
order_no: varchar({ length: 255 }).unique().notNull(),
created_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
user_uuid: varchar({ length: 255 }).notNull().default(""),
user_email: varchar({ length: 255 }).notNull().default(""),
amount: integer().notNull(),
interval: varchar({ length: 50 }),
expired_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
status: varchar({ length: 50 }).notNull(),
stripe_session_id: varchar({ length: 255 }),
credits: integer().notNull(),
currency: varchar({ length: 50 }),
sub_id: varchar({ length: 255 }),
sub_interval_count: integer(),
sub_cycle_anchor: integer(),
sub_period_end: integer(),
sub_period_start: integer(),
sub_times: integer(),
product_id: varchar({ length: 255 }),
product_name: varchar({ length: 255 }),
valid_months: integer(),
order_detail: text(),
paid_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
paid_email: varchar({ length: 255 }),
paid_detail: text(),
export const apikeys = pgTable("apikeys", {
id: integer().primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
api_key: varchar({ length: 255 }).unique().notNull(),
title: varchar({ length: 100 }),
user_uuid: varchar({ length: 255 }).notNull(),
created_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
status: varchar({ length: 50 }),
export const credits = pgTable("credits", {
id: integer().primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
trans_no: varchar({ length: 255 }).unique().notNull(),
created_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
user_uuid: varchar({ length: 255 }).notNull(),
trans_type: varchar({ length: 50 }).notNull(),
credits: integer().notNull(),
order_no: varchar({ length: 255 }),
expired_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
export const posts = pgTable(
id: integer().primaryKey().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
uuid: varchar({ length: 255 }).unique().notNull(),
slug: varchar({ length: 255 }),
title: varchar({ length: 255 }),
description: text(),
content: text(),
created_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
updated_at: varchar({ length: 255 }),
status: varchar({ length: 50 }),
cover_url: varchar({ length: 255 }),
author_name: varchar({ length: 255 }),
author_avatar_url: varchar({ length: 255 }),
locale: varchar({ length: 50 }),
(table) => [index("slug_locale_idx").on(table.slug, table.locale)]
- Export table structure
When performing data operations, the table structure is imported from ./drizzle/schema.ts
by default. You need to export the table structure according to your needs.
export * from "./postgres/schema";
- Modify database client
The default PostgreSQL database client is defined in ./drizzle/postgres/db.ts
. You can modify it as needed:
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js";
import postgres from "postgres";
let globalPool: postgres.Sql | null = null;
export async function getDb() {
if (!process.env.POSTGRES_URL) {
throw new Error("POSTGRES_URL is not set");
if (!globalPool) {
globalPool = postgres(process.env.POSTGRES_URL, {
max: 10,
idle_timeout: 20,
connect_timeout: 10,
const db = drizzle(globalPool);
return db;
- Export database client
You need to export the actual database client for model operations.
export * from "./postgres/db";
- Export ORM configuration
Modify the ORM configuration as needed, adjusting according to your chosen database.
import { config } from "dotenv";
import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";
config({ path: ".env" });
config({ path: ".env.development" });
config({ path: ".env.local" });
export default defineConfig({
out: "./drizzle/postgres/migration",
schema: "./drizzle/postgres/schema.ts",
dialect: "postgresql",
dbCredentials: {
url: process.env.POSTGRES_URL!,
- Create tables
Run the following commands in terminal:
pnpm db:generate
pnpm db:migrate
This will generate migration files based on the table structure defined in ./drizzle/postgres/schema.ts
It will automatically execute SQL statements in migration files to create tables.
- Data operation examples
Use const db = await getDb()
to get the database client, then perform data operations according to your needs.
Table types are exported from ./drizzle/postgres/schema.ts
import { and, desc, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { getDb } from "@/drizzle/db";
import { posts } from "@/drizzle/schema";
// insert data
export async function insertPost(post: typeof posts.$inferInsert) {
const db = await getDb();
await db.insert(posts).values(post);
return post;
// update data
export async function updatePost(
uuid: string,
post: Partial<typeof posts.$inferInsert>
) {
const db = await getDb();
await db.update(posts).set(post).where(eq(posts.uuid, uuid));
return post;
// select data
export async function findPostByUuid(
uuid: string
): Promise<typeof posts.$inferSelect | undefined> {
const db = await getDb();
const data = await db
.where(eq(posts.uuid, uuid))
return data ? data[0] : undefined;
Using MySQL
If you’re using MySQL or other MySQL-compatible databases, follow these steps to modify the ORM configuration.
- Configure MySQL database connection
MYSQL_URL = "mysql://aigc:[email protected]:3306/shipany"
- Export MySQL table structure
export * from "./mysql/schema";
- Export MySQL database client
export * from "./mysql/db";
- Export MySQL ORM configuration
import { config } from "dotenv";
import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";
config({ path: ".env" });
config({ path: ".env.development" });
config({ path: ".env.local" });
export default defineConfig({
out: "./drizzle/mysql/migration",
schema: "./drizzle/mysql/schema.ts",
dialect: "mysql",
dbCredentials: {
url: process.env.MYSQL_URL!,
- Create tables
Run the following commands in terminal:
pnpm db:generate
pnpm db:migrate
This will generate migration files based on the table structure defined in ./drizzle/mysql/schema.ts
It will automatically execute SQL statements in migration files to create tables.
- Customization
Table structure is defined in ./drizzle/mysql/schema.ts
. You can modify it as needed.
Database connection client is defined in ./drizzle/mysql/db.ts
. You can modify it as needed.
Data operations are similar to PostgreSQL syntax.
Using SQLite
If you’re using SQLite database, follow these steps to modify the ORM configuration.
- Configure SQLite database connection
SQLITE_URL = "file:data/shipany.db"
is your local file. You can use relative or absolute paths.
- Export SQLite table structure
export * from "./sqlite/schema";
- Export SQLite database client
export * from "./sqlite/db";
- Export SQLite ORM configuration
import { config } from "dotenv";
import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";
config({ path: ".env" });
config({ path: ".env.development" });
config({ path: ".env.local" });
export default defineConfig({
out: "./drizzle/sqlite/migration",
schema: "./drizzle/sqlite/schema.ts",
dialect: "sqlite",
dbCredentials: {
url: process.env.SQLITE_URL!,
- Create tables
Run the following commands in terminal:
pnpm db:generate
pnpm db:migrate
This will generate migration files based on the table structure defined in ./drizzle/sqlite/schema.ts
It will automatically execute SQL statements in migration files to create tables.
- Customization
Table structure is defined in ./drizzle/sqlite/schema.ts
. You can modify it as needed.
Database connection client is defined in ./drizzle/sqlite/db.ts
. You can modify it as needed.
Data operations are similar to PostgreSQL syntax.
Visual Database Management
Run the command in terminal:
pnpm db:studio
Open your browser and visit
to manage your database visually.